Came across a few more pictures from the Venice training base, and added them to the site. ...
New Images Uploaded
great news! 10 more images found today and added to the germany and misc galleries. ...
a few more pictures found
Found another box of pictures over the weekend. about 150 total. all have been scanned and uploaded to the site. most were added to misc album. ...
All pictures are uploaded
I have finally finished uploading all the pictures to the site and tried to put them into a few different categories. Let me know if you find anything ...
Scanning complete
I finally finished scanning all the pictures. 1800 pictures total scanned. 82gb in size. I will now start uploading them to the website over ...
German Book Scanned
I just posted the german book that was found during the war of an unknown high ranking german officer. I have about 1300 pictures scanned so far and ...
progress of scanning
I have been busy scanning more photos last week or so and have another 500 scanned and ready to post when i have time to sort them out. i think ...
Venice, Florida photos are online
All the photos from the Venice, Florida, USA training center are online now. About 112 of them, and all taken it appears in 1943. The training center ...
This is the start of the new website for Vaughan Pitman's photography collection of World War 2 pictures he took during the war as part of the 9th ...